text 516 637 2367 Be@bodyevolvednyc.com

THERAPIEs & Programs



For All

At BE, we are a team of specialists of physical therapy, movement training and coaching that works together to address your individual needs and goals, whether you are focused on rehabbing an injury pre- or post-surgery, or training to BE your strongest self.  The clients we see are generally interested in pain management solutions or a long term, sustainable fitness program.


We design programs through the use of systems such as PRI, FMS, SFMA, ART, FRR, FRA, FR, DNS Kinstretch, and StrongFirst principles. Our team is able to address complex movement disorders (or dysfunctions), soft tissue restrictions, pre- and post-surgical rehabilitation, and overuse injuries.

Come to us with injuries or to avoid injuries, work with us on your strength and your wellbeing. Come experience Body Evolved.

Movement Analysis & Recovery

  • Functional Movement Screenings to detect asymmetries and faulty movement patterns
  • Functional Range Assessment to analyze passive and active ranges of motions at each joint
  • Postural Restoration Institute to provide feedback regarding your posture and breathing strategies
  • The Selective Functional Movement Assessment to classify movement strategies and direct manual therapy and therapeutic exercise interventions

Movement Coaching and Private Training

  • Sessions administered by Certified Strength Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)
    Using the principles of world renown school of strength StrongFirst
  • Applying the methods of (dynamic neuromuscular stabilization) DNS to emphasize neurodevelopment aspect of motor control
  • In consistence with comprehensive joint training system Functional Range Conditioning

Manual Therapy

  • Hands on assessment of joint and muscle mobility with a full body approach to determine passive movement capabilities
  • Treatments for soft tissue restrictions using active release techniques and functional range release techniques
    Injury recovery and prevention by resolving passive range of motion dysfunctions and prime the body for active movement.
  • The foundation of treatment is based on a full body and joint by joint approach to uncover the causes of pain, movement deficits and limitations for long term change vs treating symptoms for temporary results.


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